2008-2011 Calendar of Graduate School GP
GP Activities in Japan
Session to explain about Graduate School GP and Advising Session
Miyako Island
@Date: July 29, 2009
@Venue: Miyako Campus (inside of the Miyako Hospital)
@Number of the Participants:9 (Nurse and Public Health Nurse)
@Date: February 23, 2009
@Venue: Okinawa Prefectural Miyako Hospital
@Participants: A Director and 14 (all) Chiefs of Nursing, Okinawa Prefectural Miyako Hospital
@Date: November 6, 2008
@Venue: Okinawa Prefectural Miyako Hospital
@Number of the participants:
@@ (1) Session to explain about Graduate School GP: 40@
@@ (2) Advising Session: 10
Yaeyama Island
@Date: December 5, 2008
@Venue: Okinawa Prefectural Yaeyama Hospital
@Number of the participants: 15
Kume Island
@Date: December 13, 2008
@Venue: Kume Island Public Hospital
@Number of the participants: 4
Distance Education and Faculty Development by Video Conference
@Date: December 9, 2008
@Venue: OPCN
@Number of Participants: 11
Participation in Joint Forum of the Reform Program for Graduate Education(Ministry of Education,Culture,Sports,Science and Technology)
@Date: January 7, 2010
@Date: January 13, 2009
Public Lecture and Special Lecture
@Public Lecture
@gDevelopment of Advanced Nursing Specialist in Islands Nursingh
@Theme: To Aim Practice of Islands Nursing Rooted in its Life and Culture
@Special Lecture
@Title: Health Nursing Circumstance and Nurse Practitionerfs Activities in Kauai Island
[Click the image to open the PDF file.]
Exchange Event with Ms. Shu-Chuan Tsai, National Health Research Institutes, Center for Health Policy Research and Development
@Date: June 25, 2009
@Theme: Circumstance of Medical service, Health and Nursing in Taiwan
@Number of the participants: 14
Faculty Meeting about Graduate School
@Date: Wednesday, June 17, 2009
@Purpose: deepen understanding education of Graduate School in OPCN
@Number of participants: 39
Hosting the first Nursing Leadership Session
Date: October 10, 2009
Participants: 10 Professors of OPCN and Health Nurse Leaders in okinawa
Content: Introducing or Graduate School GP and our Miyako Satellite Campus;
@@@@@@@ Exchanging opinions about remote island health nursing
Hosting Free Meeting for "The 68th Japanese Society of Public Health"
Date: October 21, 2009Venue: Nara Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall
Number of participants: 22 (including 10 from OPCN)
Representative: Dr.Midori Kamizato
Content:Exchanging views on issues and resolutions of health nurse practices
@@@@@@@in remote islands;seeking for an opportunity to enhance collaboration @@@@@@@amoung professionals in the field of remote island health nursing.
Public Presentations and lectures on "International Island Nursing" (Program for Enhancing Systematic Education in Graduate School)
Date/Time | Theme: | uŽt | |
18:00-19:30, the 4th February 2011 (Friday) |
From a Big Island to the Small Island: `the Rural and Remote Area Community Nursing in Taiwan` |
Dr. Yu-Chu Huang (Fu Jen Catholic University) |
Details |

[Click the image to open the PDF file.]

Date/Time | Theme | Speaker | |
December 19(Sat.), 2009, 10:00`11:30 | Island countries in the world, and the feature of nursing | Dr. Hidehiko Tamashiro @(Professor at Hokkaido @University) |
Details |
January 9(Sat.), 2010, 9:00`12:30 | The current situations of the islands nursing and the activities of the remote area nurse in the Pacific Islands | Dr. Maria Salomon (D.N.S., R.N.); Director and Associate Professor @of School of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Guam | Details |
Activities of remote area nurses in Australia | Ms. Sabina Knight (R.N., M.T.H.); Remote Health ractice Course Coordinator,Associate Professor, Charles Darwin University&Flinders University, Center for Remote Health, Australia | ||
January 10(Sun.), 2010, 10:00`11:30 | Activities of remote area nurses in Australia | Ms. Sabina Knight (R.N., M.T.H.); Remote Health ractice Course Coordinator,Associate Professor, Charles Darwin University&Flinders University, Center for Remote Health, Australia | Details |
January 31(Sun.), 2010, 10:30`12:00 | Nursing and Medical Care in Taiwan `Focus on geriatric nursing` |
Professor Ching-Min Chen; Nursing Department, Taipei Medical University | Details |
March 13(Sat.), 2010, 10:00-11:30 | Island Studies (Nissology) and Island Problems : How can the island problems be solvedH | Dr. Hiroshi Kakazu; PhD in Economics, Professor Emeritus(& Former Senior Vice President) at Ryukyu University, Vice President of UNESCO-INSULA, Vice Chairman at the Okinawa Development Promotion Council appointed by Prime Minister |
Details |
March 20(Sat.), 2010, 9:00`12:30 | The roles and practical activities
of island nursing in New Zealand
Ms. Jean Ross (New Zealand) iPrincipal Lectuere in Nursing, School of Nursing, Otago polytechnicj |
Details |
Community-based participatory research in the Pacific Islands | Dr. Kristine Qureshi (Hawaii) iAssociate Professor, Manoa School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene, University of Hawaiij |

[Click the image to open the PDF file.]

Specialized Knowledge Provided by Foreign Guest Speakers
The 12th@OPCN School Festival
Date: June 5 - 6, 2010Venue: OPCN
Introductory Session for Graduate School GP;workshop for Remote Communication Experience
Open Campus 2010
Date: August 7, 2010Venue: OPCN
Introductory Session for Graduate School GP;workshop for Remote Communication Experience
Participating at the 5th Japan Society of Rural and Remote Area Nursing Conference
Date:@September 4 - 5,2010 i2Daysj
Venue:@University of Nagasaki, Siebold Campus
Content:@Conference Presentations
3 Graduate Students of OPCN presented at the Conference
GP Activities abroad
@@Guam -->@@@@@Saipan -->@@@@@Tinian -->
@@Tiwan-->@@at Nursing Department,Taipei Medical University
APNLC Participation Report
Date:June 14 - 19,2009
Participants:2 instructors(Kamizato and Okawa)and 3 Graduate @@@@@@@@@Students(Chinen,Jahana,and Tajima)
Objectives:Exchange with nurse leaders in Pacific islands;Arrangement for Practical
@@@@@@@@@Training at Pacific islands;Arrangement for Practical Training
@@@@@@@@@at Pacific islands
Students' Reports
@@@PhD: Kumiko Chinen
@@@PhD: Yuriko Jahana
@@@Master: Mizuho Tajima
Instructor's Official Report
Participating at the 27th Annual National CRANAplus Conference
Period: Octorber 14 - 17,2009
Alice Springs, Australia
Promotion of our Graduate School GP;International Exchange;
@@@@@@@@@Recruitment of sessional Instructors for International Island
@@@@@@@@@Nursing Theory;Information Gathering of Potential Guests at
@@@@@@@@@International Symposium.
@@@@@@@@@One instructor of OPCN participated,and met with practitioners,
@@@@@@@@@educators,and researchers in remote nursing
Participating at the 32nd American Pacific Nursing Leaders Council
Period:@June 14 - 19,2010 i7Daysj
Contents:Participation at APNLC(mainly from 10 Pacific islands);Attending
@@@@@@@@Continuing Education Program;Exchange with Nurse Leaders
@@@@@@@@in Pacific islands.
Participating at Senior Remote Nurse Education Program in Australia
period:@August 2 - 16,2010 i15Daysj
Venue:@Alice Springs, Australia
Contents: 1.Nursing Care for Diabetic Patients in Remote Area
@@@@@@@@ 2.Physical assessment of the remote,Terehontoriaji,
@@@@@@@@@ Critical Thinking, Nursing care for drug therapy(Introduction to Nurse
@@@@@@@@@@Practitioner Program)
Participating at the 9th CONFERENCE of the Canadian Rural Health Research Society
period:@September 21 - 28,2010 i8Daysj
Venue:@New Brunswick, Canada
Contents: Conference Presentations by 2 Graduate Students and 1 Faculty
@@@@@@@@@of OPCN in Island Health Nursing Field.
@Participation in joint forum of the reform program for graduate education@Posters in 2008(Japanese)
